Yet another asn1 compiler written in C++. It generates pretty good C++ code and javascript code. The initial purpose was to be able to create a csta protocol analyser. This goal has been reached. Many compilers already provide BER/PER/XER encoding/decoding. That lead me to explore another area and support the following features are supported:
- Decoding BER / Encoding still needs some work.
- Parsing ROSE and generating appropriate c++ code. Checks defined syntax (to make a differents with freely available compilers)
- ASN1 1994 syntax supported
- Automatic tagging
- Uses C++ namespace
- nested and un nested structure are possible.
Language mapping
- C++
- javascript
ASN1 Standards
- X.680 ASN1 Syntax (2008 spec under work)
- X.681 Information Object Specification
- X.682 Constraint Specification (Parsing works find)
- X.683 Parameterization of ASN1 syntax (Parsing supported)
ASN1 Encoding Standards
- X.690 BER decoging / encoding except REAL types. INTEGER only 4 bytes max.
- JSON encoding / decoding underwork
- X.696 OER encoding rules planned
List of parsed syntaxes
- H323
- megago
- H248
- CSTA phase 2 and CSTA phase 3
- ACSE-1
- CMIP-1
- PKIX-88